About Keymaker

The World’s First Search Engine for the Metaverse

Our Mission

Keymaker is committed to safeguarding an open and connected Metaverse through our search engine and teleportation protocol. Voice is the future interface of the Metaverse, and Keymaker empowers you to search using voice and go wherever you want.

True freedom of movement is crucial to the healthy and sustainable development of the Metaverse, Web3 and the next-generation Internet. Keymaker unlocks walled gardens so you can go where you want with complete freedom.

Our Values

Open. Connected. Accessible.

This is our guiding ethos when it comes to realizing the sustainable development of the Metaverse.

For Users

We empower Users to search, navigate and travel seamlessly and with complete freedom across virtual worlds.

For Creators

We allow Virtual World Creators and Facilitators to collaborate, share traffic and offer complementary experiences.

For Developers

To ensure the Metaverse Ecosystem as a whole can succeed, we offer interoperability among virtual worlds built on open, widely-adopted standards.